Eligible Retire Benefit Improvements

Plumbers Local 130 Retiree Welfare Fund (Retiree Plan") Effective January 1, 2022

SMM Retiree Plan - Effective 01012022


Plumbers Local 130 Retiree Welfare Fund (“Retiree Plan”) Effective June 1, 2022

 The Board of Trustees of the Plumbers Local No. 130 Retiree Welfare Fund (“Retiree Plan”) are pleased to inform you that they have made improvements to the Retiree Plan effective June 1, 2022.

Retiree Plan Benefit Improvements
The Retiree Plan, which governs benefits provided to Former Participants and their Spouses and surviving Spouses, has been changed in the following ways:

  1. Lasik Surgery Benefit - Effective June 1, 2020, Lasik Surgery has been added as a benefit for Pre-Medicare Retirees, their dependents and for Medicare Retirees. The Plan will cover Lasik surgery treatment for up to $1,000 In an individual’s lifetime.
  2. Dental Benefit’s Annual Maximum – Effective January 1, 2022, the dental benefit’s annual maximum has been increased from $2,500 to $4,000 per eligible Participant per year. The Retiree Plan covers 100% of preventive services. Basis and restorative services are paid at 80% coinsurance, after payment of the $50 deductible.
  3. Incentive to Complete Annual Physical at the Wellness Center – Effective 1, 2022, a $200 contribution will be made to a participant’s HRA account for Retirees and spouses upon completion of an annual physical exam at a Wellness Center location. If you and your spouse both receive an annual physical at a Wellness Center location during the same calendar year, you will receive a $400 contribution to the participant’s HRA account ($200 each). The HRA contribution is limited to one physical exam per calendar year.