About Local 130 UA

Strength in Numbers
The Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA, with over 6,100 members is one of the largest straight-line plumbing locals in the United Association (UA) which represents 350,000+ building tradesmen across the United States and Canada. The quality of our people, our great size and our loyalty to each other makes Local 130 UA a strong and respected voice in the construction piping industry and community.

History of Local 130 UA
For over 120 years Local 130 has been protecting the health of Chicago and the surrounding communities by providing the highest quality plumbing craftsmen through intensive, certified education and work placement. Clean water and waste water removal are critical to the health and well being of all societies.

Our members have played historic roles in every great public and private construction project throughout Chicagoland. From the reversing of the Chicago River and the Deep Tunnel project both improving water quality for all, to the construction of the entire Chicago skyline, Local 130 has played a vital role in supplying key skills required to create and maintain our fantastic city and surrounding suburbs.

Work We Do

Today’s plumber needs the knowledge and skills that will enable him or her to work on projects that range from servicing residential homes to building large nuclear power plants.

While our work still may include unclogging drains or installing appliances, today more than ever, plumbers are being called upon to do increasingly complex work. We need to be able to read blueprints, think creatively and solve problems.

Here are many examples of specialized plumbing areas:
  • Commercial Construction
  • Residential and Commercial Plumbing Installation
  • Domestic Water Piping
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Green Technology
  • Residential Service
  • Repair and Remodeling
  • Underground Utilities
  • Vacuum Piping and Systems
  • Sanitary Waste and Vent Systems
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Backflow Prevention Programs
  • Water Main Distribution Systems
Local 130 UA plumbers are part of an elite workforce – a workforce that is the safest, most productive and highly trained in the industry.

Membership Has Its Advantages!

New apprentices of Local 130 are enrolled in a five-year apprentice training program. As part of this special course apprentice plumbers are paid to attend classes one day a week, while receiving on-the-job training the remaining four days of the work week. The program is designed to provide apprentice plumbers with the knowledge and experience they need to succeed on the job and to promote quality within the union.

Local 130 Members have a health insurance plan that provides great coverage for hospital, outpatient care, and prescription medication. Members also have access to a pension plan, that when combined with Social Security, promises up to 75% of members salary after working 35 years in the trade. Members can attain career advancement through specialized advanced journeymen training courses taught by qualified instructors at a minimal charge. There is also a substantial savings plan to help members and their families save for a home, car, vacation or unexpected expenses.

How to Join
If you’re new to the plumbing profession and believe you might be interested in a rewarding career in this well established building trade, please refer to the Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC) website. The site describes apprenticeship with Local 130 UA and its’ benefits. Afterwards, if Plumber Apprenticeship appeals to you and you think you can qualify, please contact the Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC) to learn more information.

If you are an experienced plumber and not yet a Local 130 member, but would like to discuss the benefits and opportunities provided by our brotherhood, please contact the Organizing Committee at (312) 421-1010 ext. 160 for more information. Local 130 UA Membership will take your plumbing career to the next level!

Plumbing License

It is recommended that members take the License Review Test before applying for the City’s Plumbing License Exam. Members MUST contact the City of Chicago to schedule this exam. The JAC or Local 130 UA will not schedule the exam on behalf of members.