The purpose of the JAC is to train Apprentices and Journeymen of the Plumbing Industry, through classroom instruction and on the job field training. A Plumbers' work consists of plan reading and safely, correctly and efficiently installing and maintaining plumbing systems. These plumbing systems include underground water supply, storm water, sewer drainage, fixture installation and waste and vent piping both inside and outside of buildings, residential and service plumbing.
The length of the Apprenticeship program is five (5) years. During the first three years Apprentices work on the job four (4) days per week and attend one (1) day of classroom instruction. During the fourth and fifth years, apprentices have on the job training five (5) days per week and attend night school classes from September through June.
Classes for Journeyman to continue their education are offered throughout the week at all of our locations. Classes are available day and/or evening. For more information please check out our Apprentice and Journeyman Training Classes.
Four (4) hour classes for licensed Journeyman Plumbers to meet City of Chicago and State of Illinois license renewal requirements are offered at various times throughout the year, you can find this information under the Four Hour Continuing Education Courses.
Reviews for the Plumbing License exam are scheduled for members to attend, please view more information under Apprentice and Journeyman Resources.
We are an Approved Apprentice Program and are registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship.
Board of Trustees
Union Trustees
James F. Coyne, Chairman
Patrick F. McCarthy, Secretary
Jones L. Richmond, Trustee
Paul M. Rodriguez, Trustee
Peter C. Olson, Trustee
William A. Wilkens III, Alternate
Jennifer MacDonald, Alternate
Employer Trustees
Justin Treutelaar, Co-Chairman
Matthew N. Erickson, Treasurer
Anthony Albergo, Trustee
John W. Baethke, Trustee
Scott Hoffman, Trustee
Todd C. Leonard, Alternate
Dennis Piehowski, Alternate
Training Director
Anthony M. Rottman
Instructors in Charge
Brandon Harwell - Chicago
James W. Brooks - Joliet
Thomas K. Jennrich - Volo