Welcome to Plumbers Local 130 UA
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have more than 6,100 friends and co-workers ready to stand behind you and protect your rights as a skilled craftsman?
Can you imagine going to work everyday knowing you have guaranteed health care coverage, a generous savings plan, established working hours and overtime rates?
For the members of Chicago Journeymen Plumbers' and Technical Engineers Local Union 130 UA, that’s all in a day’s work! The many benefits that come with being a union member are felt each day whether it's the assurance of safe OSHA working conditions or the outstanding relationship between the union and contractors.
Chicago Journeymen Plumbers’ Local Union 130 with over 6,100 members is one of the largest straight-line plumbing locals in the United Association (UA) which represents 350,000+ building tradesmen across the United States and Canada. The quality of our people, our great size and our loyalty to each other makes Local 130 UA a strong and respected voice in the construction piping industry and community.